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Pauline and Co

With rumour bobbling up and down regarding Pauline opening a charity shop in conjunction with food for the needy there really must be a deepening conspiracy theory revolving around the bylaw introduced by this council.
Pauline please explain to us all how you will open a charity shop with no association papers, minus a president, secretary, treasurer.
Then even if these association papers appear magically appear how will you open a bank account, will you bank the money in to your personal account, how will you pay shop taxes with no fiscal number
Before any of that happens how will you get a opening licence wiht no charity status or legal name.
i would firmly place a bet there will be objections by opposistion councillors as it has to go before the counil to obtain a licence.
Good luck in your adventures, i would like to remind you 2 years ago you were on the exact forum moaning at jeff about the pet ambulance, now your in his side pocket

Good grief, this forum seems to be very bitter and twisted against opposing CHARITIES. it seems to be in a constant loop about who can save the most animals, who gives to the needy more, which bars are the loudest, who hates Jeff the most, which road signs are legal. Why has it took two days for one of the animal charities to respond to Martinas request for more information about the puppies? or is that another dig at Jeff?

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-10-22 12:32:48 UTC

But it does give the La Marina "moaners and groaners club" another place to vent / spout there unhappy lot they have living in La marina, SAD SAD SAD.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-10-22 16:35:35 UTC

Grow up,
the whole political make up of Spain is ridiculous ( Do they know Franco is dead?), you have a situation where every election the local government will change, they will make there own laws , ignore the ones that they don't like and enforce what they like, meanwhile the opposition will argue everything is wrong and tell more lies thus we have a situation that DOES NOTHING, DOES NOT MOVE FORWARD........... To my mind Pauline is doing her job ( paid or unpaid), as a charity worker, although she may have deep seated opinions I don´t think she will change the political situation any time soon SO....
Worry about the important things that can be changed for the public good and not snipe at people who are willing to give their time and skills for causes that are laudable, but may not be your charity or political stand.

Commented James in La Marina 2013-10-22 17:17:33 UTC

Wow such accusations based on Rumours
Its only time someone seeks advice from a solicitor
YOU Dinosaurs really need to learn how to use the internet, and don't think your exempt from prosecution !
Has I thought someone was very lucky earlier on this week.!

People on here have your say but without being vindictive/accusation/persecution/ridicule/insultive

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-10-22 18:53:21 UTC

Oh Dear Roger! You are openly posting rumours on a forum. Not a wise move. For your information any monies raised do not go into Pauline's pocket and Pauline does not go into Jeff's sidepocket. All monies go into the tills of local shops to provide food for the needy. It may have escaped your notice that there is an economic crisis all over Europe (including the UK) and kind hearted and generous people are trying to feed the needy. Anyone trying to make political capital out of hungry children needs to have a serious look at their motives. Have a nice day.

Commented Scotty in La Marina 2013-10-23 09:07:05 UTC

If that last comment was aimed at me, I wasn't "very lucky" to escape prosecution at all ! How can someone be prosecuted if they don't name someone or some company ? I did NOT accuse anyone, I wasn't insultive (?) or did I ridicule them.

If that comment wasn't aimed at me, forget it !

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-10-23 09:08:03 UTC

Scotty, your assumption that all is right and proper is just not acceptable. Accountability is very important these days, more than ever before. I was in the Big Eat cafe next door to News4you and I noticed on the wall inside the cafe a poster advertising a quiz night in aid of Food For The Needy this Friday. I believe it has been a monthly event since the beginning of the year. How much has been raised from these events at the Big Eat and in whose account has the money raised at these events been deposited?

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-10-23 19:58:16 UTC


Your vendetta continues. I do not assume or listen to rumours about the amount raised. The receipts for the food are freely available if you would like to make yourself known and request them from Pauline.. Again the money goes directly into the tills of local shops who provide receipts for the purchases. It is neither logical or sensible to make these personal attacks on the internet. Who knows, you might find yourself accountable.

Commented Scotty in La Marina 2013-10-24 14:29:31 UTC

On tuesday 29th october i am holding a dance at the Sports Complex in La marina. On the night there will be a raffle in aid of the needy. I would like to state that all monies made on the raffle that night will buy food and this food will be handed in to the office at 5 Calle madrid, The raffle tickets will be sold by another person, the money taken will be declared that evening and myself and this other person will purchase the food and deliver it along with a receipt for the goods. Anyone not happy about this please do not hesitate to talk to me.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-10-24 16:37:28 UTC

I wish you every success with your evening. I am sure it will be well supported by the people of La Marina.

Commented Scotty in La Marina 2013-10-24 20:53:52 UTC

If the spineless author - (he does not use his real name which is... oh, yes, Roger(the dodger?), I know who he is!) - of the attacks on Pauline's selfless work for others has questions about the legitimacy of her work then he should produce evidence to the local Council and or the Police. Come on Roger! Put up or shut up! As far as I can conclude, you are a cowardly, anally compulsive control freak who has no toys left to throw out of his pram and so throws baseless innuendo. Grow up! Or I will publish your name on this site and show you up for what you really are!

Commented tomjo3 in La Marina 2013-10-25 08:17:55 UTC

I have had another couple of weeks away from this Forum, Had a look through today, and surprise surprise ,Nothing seems to of changed.
Still the same people, giving their own slanted views, plus of course a new one,YES rogertreant, makes a comment (the only one he has ever made, in fact he joined the Forum just to make his biased comment) and lo and behold the same names crop up to side with or against him, Shame nobody has even realized that he has made no comment since. Whoever this person is, they have let the moaners for and against,
do his dirty work for him or her.
Gather in the past they have done this time and time again using different names.
Rant over, will look again at this site in a couple of weeks, just in case normality returns, But I wont hold my breathe.
Just my unbiased opinion

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-10-25 13:57:50 UTC

Thank you, hopefully we will sell plenty of tickets to enable us to buy some much needed food.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-10-25 14:58:37 UTC

Oh Alan, how do you find the energy to keep a check. I joined you and Marko trying to add some humour and justice on here but I've been overcome by fatigue. Keep up the fight for good xx The very lovely Mary Catherine xx

Commented mazza in La Marina 2013-10-25 16:36:21 UTC

well done hope you make a bundle of cash for bthe needy .

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-10-25 17:28:23 UTC

When opening a charity shop there has to be accountability, if not what is to stop the person in charge pocketing the money, as has happened on various occasions.

Commented Marv.75 in San Fulgencio 2013-10-27 17:46:40 UTC

Nothing Dave, just don't bother giving. I'm sure the needy, dogs, cats and others will understand that the paperwork wasn't just right.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-10-27 18:05:03 UTC

Well there is no point in giving if the receiver steals it. That's why there are rules.

Commented Marv.75 in San Fulgencio 2013-11-10 12:55:51 UTC

We raised 286 euros on the Raffle that night and the bill for the food purchased for the needy came to just over 295 euros, this food was delivered to Calle Madrid.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2013-11-11 18:48:22 UTC

Davehowells2003 seems to have changed his name to marv.75. Dave/Marv any reason?

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-11-11 19:07:01 UTC